Oops oops!
I know the lack of updates is bad! Believe me and I apologize! But as I've already mentioned I've been so extremely busy lately. Both with job interviews but also with dealing with my own life and my own current situation. I haven't really talked about it here yet. The reason why I've gone to the doctor recently and what I've been told. Even though it's been calming, it's still not an easy thing to handle. I'm still not at a stage where I want to share the details with you all, it feels like this matter is still a bittoo personal for that. And to top it all off, this isn't the only issue I have right onw, there are more of them and it's making everything so unstable right now.
But either way, over to the good stuff, yes?
As I said I got my first job offer yesterday, a very good offer it seems. The pay is good and the contract includes many good benefits. And it's good to know that I'm finally not hanging on a very loose thread anymore. Although I'm still waiting to hear back from another company, hoping for a positive response from them as well.
It is a bit exciting to see your life move forward little by little. After coming home from Japan, everything hasn't been as easy as I've wanted it to be. It's so different, being back here and away from all the people back In Kyoto/Osaka that I love. It hurts a bit, not to be able to see them anymore. But I'm sure we'll figure out away to be together again, somehow.
On another note, I've just heard from a friend back in Japan that the payment of our final bills for internet services haven't worked out as planned and now it seems we have a major issue we need to slove. Which seems to be impossible since you can't call the stupid company from outside Japan. I have no idea how we'll solve this mess. I just hope it can go smoothly. I don't want any more trouble. I really really don't.
I'll check in with you guys again later, I need to fix a few things!