www.katrinarosales.se www.chawo.blogg.se

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Smiley of the day hah! No but I'm actually here to tell you about my day, which has been really good. Nonna and I went dow to Daiso, by Kyoto Station today, to do some quick and necessary shopping. Mostly for household materials, such as new shower curtains and a grater, because we want to make Raggmunk and Okonomiyaki.

After that we got up to Kawaramachi by bus, to get to Book Off, where they sell used CD's and books. Where I happened to find three Supernova albums for a good price and I am so stupidly happy about it that I can't even contain myself haha! (Stupid Geonil's fault.)

Later we went for Shabu Shabu, probably the best food there is to be honest. It's so tasty, I could literally die to have it sometimes. And I need to thank Nonna a million times because she decided to treat me to it too! This day has been so perfect and I've had so much fun and laughed a lot, something I've really needed lately. It reminds me of how much I love life after all. Pictures of dinner will come tomorrow, i have some editing to do before I can upload them, because of the lighting.

Patience is key, love you all!

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Om mig
Ami, 95'liner från Stockholm, Sverige. Har precis flyttat tillbaka från Kyoto, Japan, med ett stort intresse för asiatisk kultur i allmänhet. Mat, språk, musik, hela paketet~
Följ mitt liv, as the crazy mess it is!

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